Friday, 11 December 2015


Php operators
   Variables are simply containers for information. In order to do anything useful with them, you need Operators .Operators are symbols that tell the PHP processor to perform certain actions.
For example, the addition(+) symbol is an Operators 
that tells PHP to 
add two variables or values, while the greater-than(>) symbol
is an 
Operators that tells PHP to compare two values.

 Type of operators  
There are four type of operators:-
Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operators
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators

Arithmetic operators in PHP
$x=10;  $y=5;
echo "sum=".$sum."<br/>";
Output : sum = 15

Assignment operators in PHP
$x = 500;
$x+= 500; // $x=$x+$x;
echo "sum=".$x."<br/>";
Output : sum=1000

PHP comparative operators
echo ($x==$y);
//it returns true because both the variable contains same value.
echo ($x===$y);
/*it returns false because === strongly compares. here both variable contain same value i.e 10 but different data
type one is integer and another is float.*/


PHP logical operators
if($name=="alex" && $pass=="alex123")
         echo "Invalid name or password";

Operator Precedence in PHP
You would have probably learned about BOD-MAS, a mnemonic that specifies the order in which a calculator or a computer performs a sequence of mathematical operations.
Brackets , order , Division , Multiplication , Addition , and Subtraction.
PHP’s precedence rules are tough to remember.
Parentheses always have the highest precedence, so wrapping an expression in these will force PHP to evaluate it first, when using multiple sets of parentheses.
echo (((4*8)-2)/10);
echo (4*8-2/10);
Output : with parentheses :3
  without parentheses :31.8