Friday, 11 December 2015

PHP Array

PHP Array
All the variables you have used have held only a single value.
Array variables are “special” because they can hold more than one value in one single variable.
There are three types of array:-
Indexed array : An array with a numeric index
Associative array : An array where each key is associated with a value

Multidimensional array : An array containing one or more array

How to define an array
  $arr = array(10,11,12,13,14,15);
  echo $arr[0];

2nd method
$arr[ ]=10;
$arr[ ]=20;
$arr[ ]=30;
$arr[ ]=40;
$arr[ ]=50;
  echo $arr[0];

3rd method
  echo $arr[0];

PHP Associative Array

In associative array index( key ) can initialized according to Your own requirement.
An array in PHP is actually an ordered map. A map is a type that associates values to keys.
In this association use ( => ) sign to define index and values.

There are two ways to create an associative array
First Way to define associative Array
echo "Ravi is ".$Personage["Ravi"]."Years old";
Another Way to define associative Array
echo "Harmeet is ".$Personage["Ravi"]."Years old";

Loop Through an Associative Array
foreach($state as $val)
  echo $val." ";
Delhi Haryana Punjab Bihar

Using foreach display index(key) value of $state array
foreach($state as $key=>$val)
  echo $key."---".$val."<br/>";
Dl — Delhi
Hr — Haryana
Pn — Punjab
Br — Bihar

PHP Indexed Array
        PHP numeric array
Numeric array can stores numbers, strings etc.
Default array index will be represented by numbers.
By default array index starts from 0
In PHP array( ) is used to crate array.Inside this can pass multiple values separated by comma( , )

  //print first value of $arr and $col array
  echo $arr[0];
  echo $col[0];

We can define array in three ways

$col[ ]="blue";
$col[ ]="red";
$col[ ]="green";


Loop Through an Numeric(Indexed) Array
Find the sum of given array
echo "Sum of given array = ".$sum; 

Display all the colors name i.e stored in array
  echo $col[$i]." ";
Find Sum of even and odd numbers stored in array
  {   $even=$even+$arr[$i];         }
  {  $odd=$odd+$arr[$i];           }
echo "Sum of even=".$even."<br/>";
echo "Sum of odd=".$odd;

PHP Nested Array
Nested / Multi-dimensional Array
A multidimensional array is an array containing one or more arrays.
The dimension of an array indicates the number of indices you need to select an element.
For a two-dimensional array, you need two indices to select an element
For a three-dimensional array, you need three indices to select an element.
  array(val1, val1, val2..),
Create a two dimensional numeric array and find the sum.
$s=0;  $s1=0;
//using for loop:
{  for($j=0;$j<3;$j++)
  {  echo $arr[$i][$j]." ";
  echo "<br>";
echo "sum of array:".$s;

Create a two dimensional numeric array and find the sum using for-each
$s=0;  $s1=0;
//using foreach loop:
foreach($arr as $k)
  foreach($k as $v)
     echo $v;
echo "<br>";
echo "sum of array:".$s;

More Examples
Two dimensional associative array( user’s name and mobile number)

Two dimensional associative array

Multidimensional associative array
  array(val1, val1, val2....)